


  • 📌 ​À LA UNE : Comprehensive Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Tissue Characterization and Cardiotoxicity in Women With Breast Cancer | Lire l'article JAMA NETWORK
  • Cardiomuscular Biomarkers in the Diagnosis and Prognostication of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Myocarditis | Lire l'article AHA JOURNALS


  • 📌 ​À LA UNE : PCI vs CABG for Left Main Disease in Patients With and Without ACS | Lire l'article JAMA NETWORK
  • Aspirin vs Clopidogrel for Long-term Maintenance After Coronary Stenting in Patients With Diabetes: A Post Hoc Analysis of the HOST-EXAM Trial | Lire l'article JAMA NETWORK​​​


  • 📌 ​À LA UNE : Renal denervation in the management of hypertension in adults. A clinical consensus statement of the ESC Council on Hypertension and the European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions (EAPCI) | Lire l'article EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL
  • Antihypertensives and Antibiotics: Impact on Intestinal Dysfunction and Hypertension | Lire l'article AHA JOURNALS
  • Association Between Intensive vs Standard Blood Pressure Control and Incident Left Ventricular Conduction Disease: A Post Hoc Analysis of the SPRINT Randomized Clinical Trial | Lire l'article JAMA NETWORK
  • Efficacy and Safety of Low-Dose Triple and Quadruple Combination Pills vs Monotherapy, Usual Care, or Placebo for the Initial Management of Hypertension: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis | Lire l'article JAMA NETWORK
  • Outcomes Following Radiofrequency Renal Denervation According to Antihypertensive Medications: Subgroup Analysis of the Global SYMPLICITY Registry DEFINE | Lire l'article AHA JOURNALS
  • Unilaterally Selective Adrenal Vein Sampling for Identification of Surgically Curable Primary Aldosteronism | Lire l'article AHA JOURNALS​


  • 📌 ​À LA UNE : Three-dimensional transoesophageal echocardiography: how to use and when to use—a clinical consensus statement from the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging of the European Society of Cardiology | Lire l'article EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL
  • Myocardial Flow Assessment After Heart Transplantation Using Dynamic Cadmium-Zinc-Telluride Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography With 201Tl and 99mTc Tracers and Validated by 13N-NH3 Positron Emission Tomography | Lire l'article AHA JOURNALS
  • Value of Stress Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Coronary Artery Disease | Lire l'article JAMA NETWORK




  • 📌 ​À LA UNE : Silent cerebral lesions following catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation: a state-of-the-art review | Lire l'article EP EUROPACE
  • Impact of Preprocedural Computed Tomography on Left Atrial Appendage Closure Success: A Swiss-Apero Trial Subanalysis | Lire l'article JACC
  • Impact of Preprocedure Imaging for Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion: Insights From the NCDR LAAO Registry | Lire l'article JACC
  • Incidence, Treatment, and Outcomes of Symptomatic Device Lead-Related Venous Obstruction | Lire l'article JACC
  • Left Atrial Function Predicts Atrial Arrhythmia Recurrence Following Ablation of Long-Standing Persistent Atrial Fibrillation | Lire l'article AHA JOURNALS
  • Left ventricular resynchronization with left bundle branch area pacing: does the type of capture matter? | Lire l'article EP EUROPACE
  • Prevalence of illicit drug use in young sudden cardiac death patients | Lire l'article HEART RHYTHM JOURNAL
  • SCAI/HRS Expert Consensus Statement on Transcatheter Left Atrial Appendage Closure | Lire l'article JACC
  • Transcatheter Left Atrial Appendage Exclusion: Preclinical and Early Clinical Results With the Laminar Device | Lire l'article JACC
  • World Wide Experience With an Irrigated Needle Catheter for Ablation of Refractory Ventricular Arrhythmias: Final Report | Lire l'article JACC​​​



  • 📌 ​À LA UNE : Multimodality imaging for patient selection, procedural guidance, and follow-up of transcatheter interventions for structural heart disease: a consensus document of the EACVI Task Force on Interventional Cardiovascular Imaging: part 1: access routes, transcatheter aortic valve implantation, and transcatheter mitral valve interventions | Lire l'article EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL
  • Indication Creep in Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation—Data or Desire? | Lire l'article JAMA NETWORK
  • Valve Repair for Degenerative Mitral Regurgitation | Lire l'article JAMA NETWORK


  • 📌 ​À LA UNE : Predicting left ventricular hypertrophy from the 12-lead electrocardiogram in the UK Biobank imaging study using machine learning | Lire l'article EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL



  • 📌 ​À LA UNE : Cardiomuscular Biomarkers in the Diagnosis and Prognostication of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Myocarditis | Lire l'article AHA JOURNALS

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